
Posts Tagged ‘CSI’


For whatever reason, I am hooked on medical dramas. I think it all began with the 70’s television program, “Quincy, M.E.” I loved that show and looked forward to it almost as much as I did “The Disney Hour” every Sunday at 6 p.m.

From Quincy, my television world expanded to E.R. — oh, I was sad with the end of that series! — and then I followed the CSI train for awhile, but eventually hopped off that wreck when I couldn’t stand that they were always examining crime scenes in the dark with only their flashlights. I mean, come on! These are crackerjack crime busters?


I don’t think so!

Anyway, after I ditched CSI, I discovered the world of Seattle Grace Hospital (aka Grey’s Anatomy). The season premiere is September 23rd which is great news, because I’ve been rerunning Frasier to death, not to mention Criminal Minds (season premiere – September 22nd).

To get back into the scene at Seattle Grace is going to be a real treat, but I do admit that it’s really a soap opera. However, it definitely has more substance than the daytime soaps that I watched with my mom when I was a kid pretending to be sick and home from school.

In the Distance

At any rate, Grey’s Anatomy is having a contest in which one can help choose the season poster for the upcoming year. Officially, you can vote on Facebook, but feel free to let me know which one you like in the comments.

I tried to do a poll, but couldn’t make it happen and I’m too busy to fool around with that kind of stuff right now. I’ll poll you on something else later.

The pictures are a little small, but if you click on them they enlarge in their own window.

I personally like the one of Derek up at the top the best. My second choice is “Shattered.”

And please, tell me what your guilty pleasure is too…I’d like to think that I’m not alone. πŸ™‚


Bandaged Skyline

Let the Healing Begin

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